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Field Maple, Acer Campestral L. is found in Europe, including England and Wales, from Southern Sweden to northern Greece and extending into Russia and Asia Minor.

The Tree

The maples constitute a genus of over a hundred species spread over Europe, Asia, North Africa and North America, and include a number of important timber-producing trees. The timber has similar properties to sycamore, but while on good sites, it forms a small tree at 6m to 12m high, it is often a little more than a bush. Norway maple Acer Platanoides L. is also known as Bosnian maple or European maple. It occurs from Scandinavia southwards into Asian Minor and the Caucasus, and is found throughout Great Britain, where it was introduced in 1683. When dried, the wood of field maple weighs about 690 kg/m3, with Norway maple weighing about 660 kg/m3, both being a little heavier than sycamore at 630 kg/m3.


It is used for turnery brush backs and domestic wood ware.

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