Eastern Canada and the USA. In Canada, it is more abundant than white oak and covers a wider range.
The tree varies according to species but averages about 18m to 21m in height with a diameter of 1m.
The timber varies in colour from pink to pale reddish brown. There is usually a reddish cast to the wood, although sometimes it approaches white oak in colour. The large rays do not produce such an attractive figure as they do in white oak, and generally speaking the wood is coarser in texture. The quality of red oak depends greatly on growth conditions, northern red oak, with its comparatively slow rate of growth, compares favourably with northern white oak, while red oak from the southern States is generally of faster growth, and consequently more coarse and open in texture. Red oak weighs about 790 kg/m3 when dried.
Less esteemed than white oak. It is too porous for tight cooperation and its lack of durability, and tendency to warp and check, limit its uses to some extent. It is used for flooring, furniture, interior joinery and veneer.